The Student Fee Advisory Committee (SFAC) Charter (Revised Fall 2021)
Section II
Membership and Structure
- The membership of the Committee will be composed of seven (7) undergraduates, two (2) graduate students, two (2) faculty members, and two (2) staff members.
- All members’ terms begin fall quarter of the year they are selected, unless special circumstances deem otherwise.
- The SFAC strives to create a diverse and inclusive environment to ensure that all student voices are included in discussion. For this reason, the SFAC shall aim to include at least one international student representative on the committee at all times within one of the student voting positions.
- The SFAC will conduct standardized interviews; the questions and format will be determined by SFAC each year before the interview process begins. The selection of the new undergraduate, graduate, and staff representatives may be determined by consensus or by secret ballot.
- The composition of the undergraduate members shall be two (2) sophomores, two (2) juniors, two (2) seniors, plus one (1) transfer student.
- Sophomore representatives are students who have attended the university for at least one school year and expect to continue at the university for at least three additional school years.
- Junior representatives are students who have attended the university for at least two school years and expect to continue at the university for at least two additional school years.
- Senior representatives are students who have attended the university for at least three school years and expect to continue at the university for at least one additional school year.
- Transfer representatives are students who have attended the university for at least one school year and will be continuing at the university for at least one additional school year.
- SFAC members are encouraged to publicize vacancies, to seek out potential candidates, and to recruit an international student representative among one of the undergraduate members.
- Members must serve for the entirety of their time at the University of California, Santa Barbara unless impeached, resigned, or graduated. Study abroad is not favored but can be discussed with the committee before departure. Additionally, study abroad is grounds for removal if the educational experience takes place during the appointee’s first complete year on the committee.
- Undergraduate representatives may not concurrently serve as an Associated Students Senator or Executive Officer.
- If there is a graduate student representative vacancy on SFAC, the committee may petition the Graduate Student Association (GSA) to forward a list of qualified candidates for the position. Additional means of advertising vacant positions is encouraged.
- Members must serve for the entirety of their time at the University of California, Santa Barbara unless impeached, resigned, or graduated. Study abroad is not favored but can be discussed with the committee before departure. Additionally, study abroad is grounds for removal if the educational experience takes place during the appointee’s first complete year on the committee.
- Graduate representatives may not concurrently serve as Graduate Student Association (GSA) Executive Officers.
- Two faculty members shall be selected by the SFAC from a slate of candidates forwarded by the Academic Senate’s Committee on Committees. This selected candidate is then appointed by the Chancellor.
- Appointment shall be for one academic year with the possibility of reappointment, but the total term served shall not exceed three years.
- Two faculty members shall be selected by the SFAC from a slate of candidates forwarded by the Chancellor’s Staff Advisory Council. This selected candidate is then appointed by the Chancellor.
- Appointment shall be for one academic year with the possibility of reappointment, but the total term served shall not exceed three years.
The Committee will have staff and student advisors to aid them in their decision
making and provide information related to the Student Services Fee.
- The Associate Chancellor of Finance and Resource Management, or designee, shall serve as advisor to the Committee.
- The Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, or designee, and the Executive Director of Resource Planning, Sustainability, and Capital Planning (CFO), or designee, shall serve as advisors to the Committee.
- Administrative support: A staff member shall assist the committee in their operations, such as reserving rooms for meetings, printing materials for the committee, handling communications with departments, updating the SFAC website, managing funding requests for the committee to review, etc.
- An executive officer of the Associated Students (AS), or a designee, shall serve as advisor to the Committee.
- An executive officer of the Graduate Student Association (GSA), or a designee, shall serve as advisor to the Committee.
- As deemed appropriate with the Chancellor, in consultation with the committee, other advisors may be added on either a permanent or ad hoc basis.