Mobile Transportation Project 2022-23   

In fall 2022, the Veterans and Military Services Resource Center started a limited golf cart service for students with disabilities to get to and from classes. This effort through VMS gives us the foundation to expand into a more comprehensive campus service for eligible students with disabilities. The goal is to provide all eligible students that have permanent and temporary physical disabilities with a commute alternative around campus.


Recreation Pool Replastering project 2022-23

SFAC funded the Rec Cen pool replaster project as part of a mandatory update for the health/saftery of students. Pools need to be replastered roughly every seven to ten years. The Rec Cen pools were last replastered in 2009. Recreation had planned on doing this project in 2019/2020 but then the COVID pandemic hit and everything stopped.

Library Makerspace 2022-23

SFAC recently funded the Library Makerspace project. The intent was to offer students across all disciplines an entry-level space to experiment with creating/ tinkering/ making in support of their coursework, clubs, personal creative projects, and career goals. The makerspace will provide equipment and peer-support for students to learn new skills and develop as designers, fabricators, innovators, collaborators, and project managers.

Financial Aid Office's Renovation

In the 2016-17 school year, SFAC funded the Financial Aid Office’s renovation of the student service area, as well as the new QLess system which has drastically reduced long lines by allowing students to save their spot in line through their phones. Furthermore, the more open and welcoming set up of the waiting room provides students a less stressful atmosphere to wait to discuss matters relating to financial aid, an already stressful topic.