Section III
Committee Responsibilities and Procedures
- The CEA of the SFAC shall be a student with at least one year’s service on the Committee. The CEA should be knowledgeable and actively concerned with the problems covered by the Charge of the Committee.
- The CEA for the forthcoming year shall be elected during Spring quarter.
- The CEA’s term shall commence the beginning fall quarter following the election and extend for one year.
- The CEA shall serve as an ex-officio member of all SFAC subcommittees.
- The CEA may designate a proxy to serve on any subcommittee, so long as that proxy is a voting member of SFAC.
- The CEA shall serve as the Chair of Internal Affairs (CIA) for the Committee when the CIA is absent and must assume the responsibilities of both positions.
- Certain responsibilities may be deferred to non-executive committee members until the CIA is able to resume their position.
- The CEA shall attend all system wide Council on Student Fees (CSF) meetings each quarter.
- The CEA shall preside over all SFAC meetings. This includes setting the agenda for each meeting. Other members can add agenda items either at the CEA’s discretion, or through a formal motion.
- The CEA shall oversee the review of funding requests and maintain a strong line of communication between the SFAC and department representatives.
- The CEA shall present funding requests to the board.
- The CEA shall oversee and direct subcommittee work.
- The CEA shall be the primary point of contact for any person who wishes to communicate to the SFAC, unless the CEA designates another member or advisor.
- The CEA shall actively seek to solicit the undergraduate population to help brand the SFAC presence and to gather data about student interests and concerns.
- The CEA shall be in charge of uploading all related media to the SFAC Box account.
- The CEA shall meet with the Associate Chancellor for Finance and Resource Management during week six of every quarter. This meeting shall be planned no later than the end of week two of each respective quarter.
- The CIA of the SFAC shall be a student with at least one year’s service on the Committee. The CIA should be knowledgeable and actively concerned with the problems covered by the Charge of the Committee.
- The CIA for the forthcoming year shall be elected during Spring quarter.
- The CIA’s term shall commence the beginning of fall quarter following the election and extend for one year.
- The CIA shall attend at least one system wide Council on Student Fees (CSF) meeting per quarter.
- The CIA shall record the minutes of all SFAC meetings.
- The CIA shall upload the recorded meeting minutes onto the SFAC Box account.
- The CIA shall serve as CEA for the Committee when the CEA is absent and must assume the responsibilities of both positions.
- Certain responsibilities may be deferred to non-executive committee members until the CEA is able to resume their position.
- The CIA shall help the CEA, where needed, to collect information and funding requests for the committee to analyze and review all correspondence written by the current CEA.
- The CIA shall send out all relevant emails to the SFAC which include but are not limited to the weekly agenda, meeting notes, and associated documents pertaining to the meeting.
- The CIA shall coordinate and design the SFAC website to be updated yearly with bios and pictures of the SFAC.
- The CIA shall help and assist with merchandise purchases when needed. Examples include: shirts, sweaters, pens, plaques, etc.
- The CIA shall be in charge of corresponding with the SFAC to arrange quarterly meeting times.
- The CEA and CIA will co-author an “End of Year Report”, no more than one page in length. This Report shall highlight the accomplishments of the Committee for that year as well as outline priorities for the next year. This report should be archived such that future committee members can easily access it. In addition, the report shall be submitted to the Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Student Affairs and to the Associate Chancellor in the Office of Budget and Planning. The Report should be reviewed during orientation of subsequent years.
- The CEA and CIA shall meet once a week at a pre-scheduled weekly recurring time to discuss the matters of the SFAC and to collaborate to produce the weekly agenda.
- The CEA and CIA shall train respective replacements.
- The CEA and CIA shall co-maintain the stipend accountability form which marks attendance for various job responsibilities and shall send this form to Staff advisors for dispersal of stipends.
- The CEA and CIA shall maintain a close working relationship with faculty and staff advisors of the SFAC.
- The CEA and CIA shall lead the annual SFAC orientation at the beginning of Fall quarter.
- The CEA and CIA shall each participate in at least one (1) external subcommittee and attend that committee’s regular meetings.
- At least one executive member is required to attend the Chancellor’s Coordinating Committee on Budget Strategy.
- The CEA and CIA shall plan, collect, and advertise applications for open advisor, staff, faculty, and other representative positions from outside departments.
- Non-executive members are recommended to each participate in at least two (2) external subcommittees and attend their regular meetings, but are required to participate in at least one (1) external subcommittee.
- Non-executive members shall table at least two (2) hours during the school year, under the discretion of the CEA.
- Non-executive members are expected, but not required, to have a project goal in mind to complete once a year. Examples include improvements on campus or within the committee such as designing new merchandise, social media management, specific department soliciting and collaboration for project-specific requests, etc.
- Project goals are achieved through an informal process where committee members take on extra responsibilities throughout their term per year.
- All members shall help conduct interviews for future SFAC board positions.
- All members shall vote on funding requests.
- All members shall solicit the general student body for feedback on the allocation of student fees.
- All members shall provide updates to the SFAC regarding schoolwide, administrative, subcommittee, and CSF updates.
- All members shall plan, collect, and advertise applications for open SFAC positions.
- All members shall help plan at least two (2) informational/outreach sessions per year to increase the visibility of the SFAC.
- At any time during the academic year a two-thirds majority of the members may recommend to the Chancellor that a member be replaced if that person proves to be uninterested or inefficient with respect to their work on the Committee.
- If, at any time, a member cannot continue to serve, that person shall notify the CEA of the resignation and request that a new member be appointed via the channels already indicated.
- Members will receive remuneration for their service on this committee. Details can be found in Section IV.II.
- A moderate remuneration is permissible to an outside consultant or student researcher if such services are considered necessary. All terms and conditions are subject to approval by the Chancellor.
- Students who are employed by or receive any financial compensation from a department funded by SSF must abstain from voting on issues that impact that area. Staff and Faculty committee members also must abstain from voting on issues in which there is a conflict of interest.
- For voting purposes, a quorum is defined as a majority of the voting Committee members.
- The SFAC shall have access to all budget materials in the SSF funded areas with the understanding that this information is to be used for committee deliberations only and is to be considered confidential.
- Committee members and advisors cannot designate proxies to SFAC meetings.
- A portion of SFAC meetings shall be open to the student body to join and voice their opinions. Student body members shall contact the CEA before attending a meeting.
- Quarterly meeting times shall be posted on the SFAC website.
- All members must be notified at least two days in advance of any meeting in which the new CEA or CIA will be elected, an amendment to the Charter will be voted on, or a member, advisor, or executive will be considered for removal.
- The removal of a member, advisor, CIA, or CEA must be by secret ballot. Refer to Robert’s Rules of Order for procedural details on voting by secret ballot.
- There shall be a review of this charter by the SFAC every two years to keep the SFAC up to date, if needed. The proposed revisions may be determined by a majority vote of approval by the committee to edit the charter, which would then require the approval by the Chancellor.
- If possible, there should be a standard plaque that is designated for (physical and nonphysical) projects that may be hung at the site of the project or the front of the department to improve the professionalism and widespread knowledge of the committee.
- The SFAC shall act as a recommending body regarding new course material fees that are proposed.
- Once funds for a request are approved by the Chancellor, the requester must use the allotted funds within 1 calendar year, subject to extensions as approved annually by SFAC.
- Allocated funds can only be used for the item/service that was originally requested, unless alternative items/services are approved by SFAC. This is under the discretion of the SFAC during extenuating circumstances.
- Due to the role of the SFAC in funding particular departments and projects, we have been granted one (1) ex-officio voting representative on the following campus committees, which will also be referred to as Subcommittees: Chancellor’s Coordinating Committee on Budget Strategy (CCCBS), Renewable Energy Initiative Governance Board, Student Resource Building (SRB) Governance Board, Recreation Center Governance Board (non-voting), Co-Curricular Records Committee, Campus Elections Committee, Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP) Advisory Committee, Collaborate Committee, University Center (UCEN) Governance Board, and Events Center Governance Board.