Elizabeth Garabedian

Chair of External Affairs

Hello Gauchos! My name is Elizabeth Garabedian and I am the Chair of External Affairs (CEA) and a Senior representative for the Student Fee Advisory Committee (SFAC). I am a fourth year History of Public Policy & Law and Philosophy double major.  As the Chair of External Affairs, I am in charge of running our weekly meetings and helping to maintain and facilitate communication between the committee and Student Affairs departments. Outside of SFAC I am part of the Phi Alpha Delta Pre-Law fraternity, the Engaging Humanities program, and I also serve on UCSB's Coastal Fund. 

I am dedicated to advocating for student needs and making sure that your fees are spent wisely. Looking forward to a great year Gauchos!

Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions: elizabethgarabedian@ucsb.edu